海からの贈り物 / CM

使用ソフト:Adobe Premire pro/ DaVinchi Resolve / Audition / Garageband
再生時間 : 00:35


This CM deals with the problem of marine debris whilst incorporating elements of the Japanese children’s story, Urashima Taro. When we went on location, we were overwhelmed by the amount of trash on the beach. The problem of marine debris seems somewhat distant, so we created this CM in hopes that viewers will think about what we can do to protect the oceans future. We entered the AC Japan Advertising Student Award in 2021 and won the Jury’s Special Prize.


The three of us discussed and made small additions and changes based on the storyboard we had made. The shooting took place over two days and although it was windy and the weather wasn’t great since we shot in  December, it was a great opportunity to learn how a comercial is made.

サウンドトラックはGaragebandを使って作った。太鼓などを取り入れ和風ながら少しモダンな雰囲気に仕上げた。セリフや交換音、環境音などはAdobe Auditionで編集した。編集のプロセスでは台詞を変えたり、最後の叫びはどういうセリフが一番いいのかグループで何度も話し合って決めた。

The soundtrack was created using Garageband, I aded taiko drums and other elements to give it a Japanese yet slightly modern feel. I edited the dialogues, exchanges, and ambient sounds using Adobe Audition. During the editing process, we changed the dialogue and discussed many times as a group what the best line for the final scream would be.